Cakewalk Steinberg Digi Design Logic MOTU Ableton Other


Mixed Logic M24 features currently available for Cakewalk SONAR 2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and X1

  • 24 channels each with a motorized fader, dedicated pan control and switches for channel select, solo, mute and record enable.
  • Bank swapping and channel swapping to access all additional tracks.
  • Bi-directional control of audio and midi tracks, aux buses and virtual mains with extensive automation.
  • 16 rotary controls and 16 switches dedicated to control all 16 effects send levels and pre / post or send mute available all at once for the currently selected channel. 
  • Extensive real-time control of multiple Direct X and VST plug-in effects at once across multiple channels with up to 1024 parameters per plug-in.
  • All controls including plug in controls will display the current track name, control name and value to the M24 LCD display.
  • The LCD also displays 24 scribble strip track names for the selected bank.
  • Open and navigate windows.
  • Multiple automation modes with individual channel automation enable.
  • Jog wheel for navigation and audio scrubbing.
  • Complete transport controls.
  • Window zoom controls.
  • Cursor navigation and parameter modification including input and output assignments.
  • Fader Flip allowing faders to control panning or send levels, and pan controls to control volume or send panning. Plug-in effects can also be controlled by channel faders.
  • Envelope offset trim mode and automation suspend.
  • Set loop, punch, and edit points and access markers.

Static Fader mode will let you assign faders to any master or channel and have them remain in place during bank swap or channel offsets. For Example, fader 24 could be assigned as a Master fader and it would remain in place during bank swap.

Consider the possibilities with control of multiple Direct X and VST automated plug-in effects at once.  For example, you could have Waves Renaissance 4 band equalizer on several channels and Cakewalk EqFx equalizer on other channels and be able to jump from channel to channel using the channel select switches and all assigned equalizer controls would follow.  This allows you to use the same familiar controls for similar functions in plug-ins from different manufacturers.  You could also have Renaissance compressors inserted on several channels and  Timeworks compressors on other channels and you would have dedicated controls for the compressor and the equalizer available at the same time. 

Additional features for Sonar 7,8,8.5 and X1 include: 32 or 64 bit XP, Vista and Windows 7 support. Support for 2048 controls per plug-in or software synthisizer, per channel, assigned in pages. Control surface EQ section is default assigned to channel EQ. X1 supports default dynamics assignment. Enhancements to static faders allow multiple faders to remain in-place during bank swap or channel offset. You can assign multiple master faders, sub group faders or channel faders that remain in place during bank swap. Additional features for multiple control surfaces. 

New Vertical Pan Mode will let you access pan or send levels or assign input or output routing for 24 channels at the same time.


Mixed Logic M24 features currently available for Steinberg Cubase SX and Nuendo versions 3,4,5,6 for PC 32 or 64 bit XP, Vista and Windows 7 and versions 5,6 on Mac OSX 10.5, 10.6

  • 24 channels each with a motorized fader, dedicated pan control and switches for channel select, solo, mute and record enable.
  • Bank swapping and channel swapping to access all additional tracks.
  • Bi-directional control of audio and midi tracks, aux buses, input and output channels with extensive automation.
  • 16 rotary controls and 16 switches dedicated to control all 16 effects send levels and pre / post or send mute available all at once for the currently selected channel. 
  • Extensive real-time control of multiple Direct X and VST plug-in effects at once across multiple channels with up to 1024 parameters per plug-in.
  • All controls including plug in controls will display the current track name, control name and value to the M24 LCD display.
  • The LCD also displays 24 scribble strip track names for the selected bank.
  • Open and navigate windows including plug-ins.
  • Multiple automation modes with individual channel automation enable.
  • Jog wheel for navigation and audio scrubbing.
  • Complete transport controls.
  • Window zoom controls.
  • Cursor navigation and parameter modification including input and output assignments.
  • Fader Flip allowing faders to control panning or send levels, and pan controls to control volume or send panning. Plug-in effects can also be controlled by channel faders.
  • New Control Room and Studio Send features with the ability to customize control assignments.
  • Auto assign control to plug-in soft synths.
  • Channel Eq controls auto assign to the M24 EQ section and can be reassign to other plug-in EQ.

Static Fader mode will let you assign faders to any master or channel and have them remain in place during bank swap or channel offsets. For Example, fader 24 could be assigned as a Master fader and it would remain in place during bank swap.

Consider the possibilities with control of multiple VST automated plug-in effects at once.  For example, you could have Waves Renaissance 4 band equalizer on several channels, Sonnox EQ on other channel and Cubase Eq on the remaining channels and be able to jump from channel to channel using the channel select switches and all assigned equalizer controls would follow.   This allows you to use the same familiar controls for similar functions in plug-ins from different manufacturers.  You could also have Renaissance compressors inserted on several channels and  Cubase dynamics on other channels and you would have dedicated controls for the compressor and the equalizer available at the same time. You can also open and close plug-in windows and have multiple plug-in windows on-screen at the same time for multiple plug-in control. 

Several of the newer features are currently only available with versions 5 and 6.

Mixed Logic M24 features currently available for Digi Design Pro Tools 4,5,6,7,8,9 LE, TDM, HD, Mac and PC

  • 24 channels each with a motorized fader, dedicated pan control and switches for channel select, solo, mute and record enable.
  • Bank swapping and channel swapping to access all additional tracks.
  • Bi-directional control of audio and midi tracks, aux returns and masters with extensive automation.
  • 8 rotary controls and 8 switches dedicated to effect send levels, pre / post or send mute, pan modes and input and output assignments for the currently selected channel. 
  • 13 controls and 8 switches dedicated to extensive real-time control and assignment of RTAS and TDM plug-in effects that each display control name and value to the LCD. 
  • Each control displays track name, control name and value or assignment to the M24 LCD display.
  • The LCD also displays 24 scribble strip track names for the selected bank.
  • Open and navigate windows.
  • Individual channel automation mode select, and automation parameter enable with support for all six automations modes with features that enhance each mode.
  • Jog wheel for audio scrubbing and shuttling.
  • Complete transport controls.
  • Zooming, navigation and selection modes.
  • Synchronized Fader Flip mode allowing all faders to control send levels and pan controls to control send pan.
  • Control and selection of editing modes and tools.

Vertical Pan Mode will let you access pan or send levels or assign input or output routing for 24 channels at the same time.

Mixed Logic M24 features currently available for Mark of the Unicorn Digital Performer 3,4 and 4.5 and now available for 5,6 and 7 on PPC and Intel OSX 10.5, 10.6

  • 24 channels each with a motorized fader, dedicated pan control and switches for channel select, solo, mute and record enable.
  • Bank swapping and channel swapping to access all additional tracks.
  • Bi-directional control of audio and midi tracks, aux buses and virtual mains with extensive automation.
  • Rotary controls and switches dedicated to control all effects send levels and pre / post or send mute available all at once for the currently selected channel. 
  • Extensive real-time control and assignment, of multiple MAS, AU, VST or TDM automated plug-in effects at once across multiple channels with up to 1024 parameters per plug-in.
  • All controls including plug in controls will display the current track name, control name and value to the M24 LCD display.
  • The LCD also displays 24 scribble strip track names for the selected bank.
  • Open and navigate windows.
  • Multiple automation modes with individual channel automation enable.
  • Jog wheel for navigation and audio scrubbing.
  • Complete transport controls.
  • Window zoom controls.
  • Cursor navigation and parameter modification including input, output and buss assignments.
  • Fader Flip allowing faders to control panning or send levels, and pan controls to control volume or send panning. Plug-in effects can also be controlled by channel faders.
  • Fader Grouping.
  • Extensive editing tools.

New Static Fader mode will let you assign faders to any master or channel and have them remain in place during bank swap or channel offsets. For Example, fader 24 could be assigned as a Master fader and it would remain in place during bank swap.

Consider the possibilities with control of multiple MAS, AU, VST or TDM automatable plug-in effects at once. For example, you could have Waves Renaissance 4 band equalizer on several channels and MOTU Parametric EQ on other channels and be able to jump from channel to channel using the channel select switches and all assigned equalizer controls would follow.  This allows you to use the same familiar controls for similar functions in plug-ins from different manufacturers.  You could also have Renaissance compressors inserted on several channels and Masterworks compressors on other channels and you would have dedicated controls for the compressor and the equalizer available at the same time. 

Mixed Logic M24 features currently available for Logic Audio Pro 6,7,8 and 9, Mac OS 9 or OS X

  • 24 channels each with a motorized fader, dedicated pan control and switches for channel select, solo, mute and record enable.
  • Bank swapping and channel swapping to access all additional tracks.
  • Bi-directional control of audio and midi tracks, aux returns and masters with extensive automation.
  • 8 rotary controls and 8 switches dedicated to effect send levels, pre / post or send mute, pan modes and input and output assignments for the currently selected channel.
  • Assignment of auxiliary send destinations.
  • 5 controls and 8 switches dedicated to extensive real-time control and assignment of plug-in effects that each display control name and value to the LCD.
  • Each control displays track name, control name and value or assignment to the M24 LCD display.
  • The LCD also displays 24 scribble strip track names for the selected bank.
  • Open and navigate windows.
  • Individual channel automation mode select, and automation parameter enable with support for all six automations modes with features that enhance each mode.
  • Jog wheel for audio scrubbing and shuttling.
  • Complete transport controls.
  • Zoom and navigation modes.
  • Synchronized Fader Flip mode allowing all faders to control send and pan levels.
  • Control of editing functions.
  • Control and creation of channel fader groups.
  • Control of surround panning and selection of surround modes.

New Vertical Pan Mode will let you access pan or send levels or assign input or output routing for 24 channels at the same time.

Mixed Logic M24 features currently available for Steinberg Nuendo 2 and Cubase SX 2 for Mac or PC

  • 24 channels each with a motorized fader, dedicated pan control and switches for channel select, solo, mute and record enable.
  • Bank swapping and channel swapping to access all additional tracks.
  • Bi-directional control of audio and midi tracks, aux returns and subgroups with extensive automation.
  • Control all 8 channel effect effect send levels, pre / post or send mute, phase, pan modes and input and output assignments for the currently selected channel. 
  • Control and assign channel VST plug-in effects. VST plug-in controls each display control name and value to the LCD.
  • The LCD also displays 24 scribble strip track names for the selected bank.
  • Open and select windows.
  • Individual channel automation enable, and automation mode select with features that enhance each mode.
  • Jog wheel to control cursor position and audio scrubbing.
  • Complete transport controls.
  • Zoom and navigation controls.

New Vertical Pan Mode will let you access pan or send levels for 24 channels at the same time.

Mixed Logic M24 features currently available for Steinberg Nuendo 1.52-1.61 and Cubase 5 and SX 1 for Mac or PC

  • 24 channels each with a motorized fader, dedicated pan control and switches for channel select, solo, mute and record enable.
  • Bi-directional control of all channel, group and midi faders with automation.
  • Read, Write, Punch and Latch automation modes.
  • Bank swapping to access all additional tracks with the ability to modify bank assignments and channel order.
  • Control of multiple VST automatable plug-in effects at once.
  • Each control will display a generic track name, control name and control value to the M24 LCD display.
  • 12 encoders and 8 switches dedicated to equalizer control for the currently selected channel assigned to control the VST channel equalizer or be assigned to control VST automatable plug-in equalizers or other VST automatable effects.
  • 8 encoders and 8 switches dedicated for channel effect sends and pre / post for the currently selected channel. Send controls can also be reassigned for send mutes or plug-in control.
  • 8 encoders and switches dedicated for dynamics control that can be assigned to the VST dynamics plug-in or VST automatable plug-ins.
  • Complete transport controls.
  • Complete control of all Yamaha DSP Factory parameters including faders, panning, solo, mute, dynamics and equalizer with support for dual card 48 channel systems.

Consider the possibilities with control of multiple VST automated plug-in effects at once.  For example, you could have Waves Renaissance 4 band equalizer on several channels and Waves Q4 equalizer on other channels and be able to jump from channel to channel using the channel select switches and all assigned equalizer controls would follow.  You could also have Renaissance Compressors inserted on each channel and you would have dedicated controls for the compressor and the equalizer available at the same time. 

Mixed Logic M24 features currently available for Emagic Logic Audio 4 and 5, Mac or PC

  • 24 channels each with a motorized fader, dedicated pan control and switches for channel select, solo, mute.
  • Bi directional control of all channel, group and midi faders depending on environment.
  • Each control will display a generic track name, control name and control value to the M24 LCD display.
  • 12 encoders and 4 switches dedicated for complete control on the internal 4 band parametric equalizer for the currently selected channel.
  • 8 encoders dedicated for channel effect sends for the currently selected channel.
  • All controls can be reassigned to other functions within the environment including automation features and bank swapping.


Mixed Logic M24 features currently available for Ableton Live

  • 24 channels each with a motorized fader, dedicated pan control and switches for channel select, solo, mute and record enable.
  • Bi-directional control of all channel, aux return and master faders.
  • Control of multiple plug-in effects at once.
  • Each control will display a generic track name, control name and control value to the M24 LCD display.
  • 29 additional rotary controls per channels that can be assigned to control send levels or plug-in equalizers or additional plug-in effects. Controls will remember control assignments as you jump from channel to channel. You can have multiple plug-ins assigned on each channel and they will retain the control assignment when you return to a channel after selecting another channel with different control assignments.
  • Complete transport controls.
  • All controls functions can be reassigned to control other available functions.

Mixed Logic M24 features currently available for C-Mexx C-Console for the Yamaha DSP Factory.

  • 24 channels each with a motorized fader, dedicated pan control and switches for channel select, solo, mute, stereo assign or equalizer and dynamics enable.
  • Bi directional control of all channel, buss, aux and master faders.
  • Each control will display a generic track name, control name and control value to the M24 LCD display.
  • 12 encoders dedicated for complete control of the DSP Factory 4 band parametric equalizer for the currently selected channel.
  • 8 encoders dedicated for control of the DSP Factory dynamics for the currently selected channel.
  • Bank Swapping to access all additional channels including two card 48 channel systems.
  • 8 encoders for the currently selected channel with 6 dedicated for channel effect sends and 2 for user assignment.
  • All controls functions can be reassigned to many other available functions including the midi remote control page.

Mixed Logic M24 features currently available for Gamble DCX series touring consoles.

  • 24 channels each with a motorized fader, dedicated pan control and switches for channel select, solo, mute, stereo assign or equalizer and dynamics enable.
  • Bi directional control of all channel, buss, aux and master faders.
  • Each control will display a generic track name, control name and control value to the M24 LCD display.
  • 12 encoders dedicated for complete control of the DSP Factory 4 band parametric equalizer for the currently selected channel.
  • Bank Swapping to access all additional channels including two card 48 channel systems.
  • 8 encoders for the currently selected channel dedicated for channel effect sends.
  • All controls functions can be reassigned to many other available functions including the midi remote control page.

Contact Jim Gamble for more on DCX support. 

Mixed Logic M24 features currently available for the Yamaha PM1D Digital Mixing System.

  • 24 channels each with a motorized fader, dedicated pan control and switches for channel select, and channel enable.
  • Bank swapping and channel swapping to access all additional channels.
  • Bi directional control of all Input, Mix, Matrix, Output and DCA channel faders.
  • Each control will display track name, control name and control value to the M24 LCD display.
  • 13 rotary controls and 4 switches dedicated for complete control of the PM1D 4 band or 6 band parametric equalizer for the currently selected channel.
  • The M24 can be connected to the CS1D or directly to the DSP1D and used with or without a CS1D as the main control surface or as a secondary control surface. The M24 is usually used in conjunction with the PM1D remote manager software running on a connected computer.

Many more programs will currently work with the Mixed Logic M24 under generic support.  The M24 has generic modes in addition to the dedicated host modes.  One of the generic modes has bi-directional control of over 1000 different midi controllers at a time and keeps track of current values as you jump from channel to channel. 

All trademarks, product names, company names and intellectual property mentioned are the property of their respective owners.

Mixed Logic reserves the right to change specifications without notice.